Friendly fungus feeds on bad skin fungi
Nail fungus and skin fungi:
Our "cannibal fungus" literally
eats them for breakfast!
The best way to get rid of skin and nail fungus... our ally, the friendly "cannibal fungus"!
My name is Sarah Vaughter. I am a medical research journalist. My site is
Over the past seven years, my company has grown to be the #1 supplier of effective, safe antifungal products.
Same bad fungus, many names
Athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, nail fungus and many other fungal skin infections are caused by the same "dermatophyte" fungus. These agressive, hard-to-get-rid-of skin fungi eat Keratin, the substance that nails and the top layer of the skin (epidermis) are made of. These infections are called "Tinea" infections, such as Tinea pedis, Tinea interdigitalis, Tinea cruris, Tinea corporis, Tinea versicolor etc. The fungus responsible is Trichophyton.
Our "cannibal fungus"
eats these skin fungi
The "mycoparasite" Pythium oligandrum eats other, harmful skin fungi
(link to detailed explanation). Infectious skin/nail fungi often mutate to become resistant to antifungal medicines, but this fungus parasite is something they can't develop a defence against. Read how this
"clever mushroom", as the scientists who discovered it call it, was discovered by accident to get rid of a wide variety of harmful fungal skin infections and even helps with a host of other skin conditions, presumably due to useful enzymes produced by this friendly fungus, Pythium oligandrum.
Harmful fungus approaches Pythium oligandrum. Pythium is a fungus that only eats other fungi and dies of starvation when there are no other fungi to eat any more.
Half an hour later, Pythium oligandrum has made a hole in the harmful fungus, its protoplasm seeps out and Pythium sucks it up and grows. The harmful fungus dies.
Source: Scientific publication on the organism (public domain)
(With permission)
Sarah, Hi! -- I have used your marvelous "cannibal fungus" to cure my severe case of toenail fungus and thank you very much! I ordered another shipment of the spores and they arrived a couple of days ago. I don't need them at this time.
You may be interested to know that I only used an initial dose (2 g) of the fungi on my feet--just made sure I did a good innoculation. I had a couple of closed toe rubber sandals/slippers with a cloth lining, so I mixed the spores, soaked the ends of my socks, dumped some spore mixture in the sandals/slippers and wore them for several days--often enough to keep them from drying out totally. I suppose a person could do the same in any shoes/boots by just soaking the toes of their socks and then covering the sock toes with plastic sandwich bags--that would probably achieve the same initial concentrated innoculation.
The only down side was that the moisture eventually released the adhesive holding the cloth lining in place, so I had to get some new sandals/slippers.
Stuart C.
These pictures are from a different
customer, who wanted to remain anonymous.
This outcome is worst-case, the customer suffered from immune deficiency.
Progress in the field of natural healing is often slow and help sometimes comes from places you would least expect: Biological agriculture.
Biological farmers are always looking for natural methods to keep pests in check and a most interesting way to do this is by means of a special fungus that eats other fungi. Those fungi are called "mycoparasites", they parasitise on other fungi. There is a mycoparasite of the Oomycete family in the kingdom of Chromista - Stramenopila. It is called Pythium oligandrum, and researchers in Eastern Europe recently discovered in medical trials on humans that it is highly effective against Dermatomycosis: Fungal infection of the skin - especially Athlete's foot. Clearly Pythium oligandrum has a healthy appetite not only for harmful plant fungi, but for disease-causing fungi in humans as well!
The medical doctor that coordinated the trials is MUDr. Karel Mencl, CSc., Laboratory of Medical Mycology, Dept. of Microbiology, Pardubice Hospital, Czech Republic.
Our translation of the results can be found here.
He got good results with nail fungus (Onychomycosis) as well (16% cured and 2/3 got very significant improvement), but most spectacular were the results with Athlete's foot (Tinea pedis). 83% of patients got fully and permanently cured of their infections and the remaining 17% of patients improved greatly. The trial was done on 58 patients. "Permanently rid" means no reoccurrence after a whole year. Jock itch and ringworm are caused by the same fungus as athlete's foot and the results are comparable.
Pythium oligandrum can also treat Vaginal Candidiasis with a sit bath. It also works well against jock itch, ringworm and Tinea interdigitalis (fungus between the fingers), when the area is kept wet with a spore solution overnight. Fungi killed by Pythium oligandrum are:
Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, Trichosporon sp., Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Alternaria alternata (Dematiaceae), Phoma sp. (Sphaeropsidales), Cladosporium cladosporioides.
How does the "cannibal fungus" work?

This is part of a time-lapse sequence where a harmful fungus (Botrytis cinerea) gets killed by Pythium oligandrum. Pythium just sits there like a "land mine". The harmful fungus grows toward Pythium. This goes very quickly - fungi grow fast, that's one of the reasons it's nearly impossible to get rid of them.

Times are shown as minutes, seconds and tens of seconds. The fungi have been cultured in a Petri dish on a thin film of water agar. The hyphal tip of the harmful fungus contacts the hypha of Pythium after 1 min., 14 sec. Within minutes, we will witness a fascinating effect take place.

After touching the Pythium, the harmful fungus continues to grow for a while, but Pythium oligandrum has already sensed its prey and immediately starts producing a substance that dissolves the cell wall of the other fungus. This way, Pythium acts as a "booby trap" to fungi that come into contact with it.

This is right before before the "explosion" - Pythium oligandrum acts like a landmine against harmful fungi. From here on, the prey fungus is doomed. Its protoplasm flows out and there is nothing it can do to avert the ugly fate in store for it, a fate that will arrive in minutes.

The start of the destruction of the hapless fungus is now visible. It will not take long before there is nothing left but dead debris, and even that will be absorbed by the Pythium oligandrum. Many medical trials have been performed and there has not been a single case of allergic reaction.

After half an hour, Pythium oligandrum has produced many hyphal branches that grew into the spilled protoplasm ot the other fungus, using the spilled content as a nutrient source. This sets into motion an unstoppable avalanche-effect of ever growing Pythium and ever diminishing other fungi, until the only fungus left alive is Pythium oligandrum,
a totally harmless fungus for humans - which subsequently dies of starvation because it can not survive in or on the human body without fungi to feed on. The body's normal microflora then re-colonizes the skin and natural equilibrium is restored.

Pythium oligandrum was discovered by accident. A female colleague in Phytopathologist Dr. Vesely's lab got some spores in her shoe and noticed that her athlete's foot was cured some days later. It took Dr. Vesely's team 30 years of research, medical trials, patent applications, official approval and development of production methods for the fungal spores to become commercially available. He has been
interviewed by the BBC.
80% of Athlete's foot cases
permanently cured
This "cannibal fungus" is used externally and works very well against Athlete's foot, as can be read in the medical test results we summarized
here. The fungal spores we offer here are mixed with silica powder by the factory that produces this product. The silica acts as a desiccant and prevents perspiration, keeping the skin dry so that the infection will subside quicker. The results treating even the most resistant cases of nail fungus (Onychomycosis) are good. Pythium oligandrum is the mortal enemy of infectious skin fungi and fungi in general, and will achieve good results with many other fungal skin infections that are not mentioned here for lack of space. It even kills fungi on walls and fungal plant pests. There were successful
human trials. Please note that we have independently established much better treatment protocols than those of these original trials, and we supply more spores than used in those trials as well.
100% natural,
100% safe
This "cannibal fungus" literally sucks the "blood" out of other fungi, leaving only their dead, empty cell wall behind. This friendly fungus can not harm us. Without another fungus to parasitise on, it will quickly die. Pythium oligandrum is highly specialized for one food source only: Other fungi. It can't digest anything else but fungal protoplasm. You use it topically (externally) only, but if you would swallow it, nothing would happen, as with blue cheese. The spores are freeze-dried so they will survive postal transit in freezing temperatures. Live cultures do not survive freezing, but our dry spores do, just as they survive in frozen soil. The spores last many years when kept cool and dry, and only when there is moisture and a supply of "prey-fungus", the spores (fungal "seeds") will grow into Pythium fungi.
Here (PDF) you can read that the EU considers it as totally safe:
The US Environmental protection agency says that Pythium kills over 20 pathogenic fungi and that it is totally safe to use for people and pets:
III. Assessing Risks to Human Health
"No harmful health effects to humans are expected from use of Pythium oligandrum DV 74. Appropriate tests found no evidence that the fungus is toxic to humans or other mammals. No toxicological or pathogenic effects of P. oligandrum in mammals have been reported in available public literature or in the submitted data. In addition, certain biological characteristics of P. oligandrum, which include its moisture and temperature requirements during infection, are further indications that this microbial pest control agent would not be pathogenic to mammals."
Pythium works against a variety of skin fungi
Pythium is used externally. It works against most pathogenic fungi, meaning it also works on fungal scalp rashes, fungal psoriasis and even fungally infected open wounds (successful human trials were done in its country of discovery, the Czech Republic). If you suspect a fungal origin to a skin problem, Pythium may cure it without the slightest risk to your liver as with Diflucan.
(With permission)
Hello, I'm writing to let you know that, after over a year of suffering with foot itching, scaling, redness, swelling, cracks, etc., three dermatologists and two skin scrapings and an actual biopsy, all negative for fungus, the condition has just about totally cleared after three nights of the "fast" method using Pythium Oligandrum!
I am so grateful for your product - it is a stroke of scientific genius! How to work with nature instead of against it - that's what good health is all about. As a nurse, I've been reading about the hygiene hypothesis, especially how we humans benefit from commensal organisms that support a sturdy and appropriate immune response. But I haven't come across references to Pythium in my readings.
You should send your data to Graham Rook in the UK, who has compiled studies from all over the globe on this groundbreaking topic! I'm sure he would be quite interested in your findings.
B. W., RN
(With permission)
I cannot praise this treatment enough, after suffering with toenail fungus almost 20 years! I was at the point of trying laser next, for too much money....
I'm a 62 yr old California female, in very good shape for my age. Yet I contracted toenail fungus years ago, and have battled it ever since! My feet were my best feature, until this happened. I tried everything, from topicals to home remedies, and some would appear to work. I'd reach the point of growing out a clean nail to 3/4 length...then the fungus would come back!
It was embarrassing to tell anyone, or actually try to find a MD, my toenails were so disgusting. I was ready to try the pills, but afraid of the possible liver damage! The laser would cost $2,000 I could not afford.
One night in September I found your site, since I check for new treatments often. The theory behind it made sense, so I ordered the spores and used a full packet the first 16 hour "Messy" soaking. I could feel my toes "tingle" for several hours, so that indicated something was really happening! When I removed the first treatment mess, I could see the inflammation and my reddish, swollen cuticles were gone! I was stunned, yet excited to continue!
I debrided the thickened big toenails down as much as possible, clipped all nails short, and used the second packette a week later for 3 treatments in a row, using soaked cotton rounds wrapped around my toes, covered with plastic and sock for 10 hrs each time. After those 3 nights, I rested 2 weeks. My toenails lost the yellowish color they had, and became white again.
After 2 weeks off, I did 3 more treatments in a row, using my last packette. I looked closely and could see a new, clean nail edge coming out at last! I could clearly see the new nail was thinner and clean, pushing up behind the thicker, damaged nail! Amazing!!
All the nerve pain and swelling above my left big toe was gone! I'd been taking Aleve pain medicine before work every day for the past 5 reduce the swelling and pain in my left foot all day. I have hardly taken any Aleve for months now, from taking it daily! The swollen joint over my left toe has gone down, and I can wear shoes I was not able to for many months!
I plan to do a "maintenance course" of treatments until I have both big toenails completely grown out. I've had them grow out halfway, yet the fungus came back...I should have taken photos, but it was so ugly and embarrassing, and I was too ashamed.
You are amazing! Keep up your excellent work!
D. P.
Dublin, California USA
Our latest customer feedback:
Get the "cannibal fungus"!
Price: USD 27,- for a full treatment course of 6 grams.
You will receive the Pythium oligandrum spores in three zip-lock bags with two-gram amounts each.
This quantity is more than sufficient to cure nail fungus on both feet with the "messy method".
Do not use antifungal creams or even soap right before or some days after treatment because they may affect the Pythium oligandrum.
When stored in a cool, dark and dry place the spores remain viable for at least 3 years because they are desiccated and mixed with Silica gel powder.